lunedì 23 maggio 2016

Chaos Chosen Champion [kill team]

The heresy is strong in this one!
Hi everybody, and welcome. This is the first miniature I converted out of the "dark vengeance" box. My plan is to create a small converted kill team/warband of chaos heretics with some chosen, spawns and a hellbrute.

They belong to a customized chapter which I decided to call "the whisperers". They live in the depth of hive-cities corrupting everything they can.
My focus here was trying to make this champion look like a living altar, therefore candles and the symbol on the backpack.

Hope you like it. More chaos space marines incoming :)

-the Boltergeist

and here's some WIP  

domenica 22 maggio 2016


Hey there, my name is Paul, aka "Boltergeist" and this is my blog. Here you will find all sorts of converted miniatures from the warhammer 40k universe. I have a lot of work that I'd love to show up here: chaos warbands, mechanicus kitbashes and inq28 stuff.

If this sounds good to you, come back soon: you will find some weird minis here :P